
February 10, 2025 Job Updates Connections 2025

Job Openings at Turkana County Government

Job Openings at Turkana County Government

WebsiteTurkana County Government

Job Openings at Turkana County Government

Legal jobs, Finance jobs, Accounting jobs, Auditing jobs, Engineering jobs, Technical jobs, Administration jobs, Secretarial jobs, Agriculture related jobs

County Solicitor

Duties and Responsibilities.

Reporting to the County Attorney the County Solicitor will be responsible for:

  • Overall review formulation and implementation of legal policies in the mandate of the county;
  • Advising the County Attorney on all legal and constitutional issues including contracts and legislative matters;
  • Drafting bills and reviewing legal documents /instruments;
  • Liaising with National Government and other Government Agencies on legal issues; and
  • Perform any other function conferred on the office by an Act of the County Assembly, Senate or by the Governor or as may be necessary for the effective discharge of the duties

Requirements for Appointment to this grade, one must have:

  • Served for at least ten (10) years, three (3) of which should be at a senior management level in the public sector or corporate sector or a reputable law firm:
  • A Bachelor of Laws degree LLB from a recognized university.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Services from the Council of Legal Education and be admitted as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya;
  • Holder of a current practicing certificate;
  • Satisfy requirement of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya vi. Certificate in computer application skills, vii. Clearance certificate from the Law Society of Kenya and Advocate Complaints Commission.
  • Satisfy the requirements of chapter six of the constitution of Kenya on leadership and integrity.
  • A Master’s Degree and or other relevant post graduate qualifications will be an added advantage

Director Internal Audit

REF: TUR/CPSB/003/2024/2025: 

Director Internal Audit will be responsible to County Chief Officer in matters related to Internal Audit in the County.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Overseeing cash management and exchequer operations both for expenditure and revenue in liaison with the Central Bank of Kenya and other banks;
  • Monitoring banking arrangements in the ministries under their division;
  • Drafting and revising regulations for new and existing funds respectively;
  • Monitoring and ensuring timely production of management and stationary financial reports including the bi-annual accounts;
  • Reviewing and investigating losses including making recommendations for write-offs requested by ministries;
  • Follow up with Heads of Accounting Units (HAU) on non-compliance with standards, circulars, financial regulations and procedures, letters and instructions;
  • Ensure safe custody of government assets and records under him/her;
  • Supervision, training, development and deployment of accounts staff in the unit.
  • Provision of advisory services to the Accounting officer and other stakeholders on all financial and accounting matters in an audit unit;
  • Ensuring proper interpretation and implementation of financial regulations and procedures, treasury circulars, letters and instructions;
  • Developing supplementary financial regulations and procedures to enhance internal controls established through normal treasury regulations and procedures;
  • Provision of quality and timely audit services in the audit unit including maintenance of accurate accounting records and preparation of management and statutory financial reports ensuring conformity to the law;
  • Ensuring safe custody of government assets and records;
  • Attending Public Accounts Committee hearings; and
  • Supervision, training, development and deployment of accounts staff in the

Requirements for Appointment For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

  • Relevant working experience of ten (10) years in the Accounting, Audit or Financial field; or Served in the grade of Senior Assistant Accountant General, Job Group ‘Q’ or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years.
  • Passed Part III of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Examination or its recognized equivalent.
  • Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Commerce or their relevant equivalent qualification from an approved institution.
  • Registered with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) and Registration of Accountants Board (RAB).
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.

Director Natural Resources

REF: TUR/CPSB/004/2024/2025:

  • Director Natural Resources will be responsible to County Chief Officer in matters related to Natural Resources in the County.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Overall implementation, interpretation and review of natural resources policies, strategies, programmes and guidelines in the county;
  • Promoting collaboration and linkages with partners and stakeholders;
  • Formulating and reviewing county research agenda for county;
  • Planning, budgeting and ensuring compliance with set budgeting guidelines;
  • Assist in enforcement of relevant laws and regulations and monitoring resilience and health of natural resources; vi. Promote natural resources activities in the county;
  • Collect, analyze and report data and information on natural resources;
  • Compile regular reports as may be required on natural resources activities; ix.
  • Identify needs, challenges and problems for developing and effective extension methods and practices through consultation with key stakeholders;
  • Develop and implement action plan for enhancing public knowledge and skills of best natural resources management practices; . .
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.

Requirement for appointment

  • Served in any comparable and relevant position in the Public Service or Public Sector;
  • Bachelor’s degree in Climate Change, Natural Resources or Forestry from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s degree in Climate Change, Natural Resources or Forestry from a recognized institution will be added advantage;
  • Attended Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weel:s from a recognized institution in Kenya;.
  • Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized institution; and
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding for national goals, policies, objectives and the ability to relate them to the natural resources function.

Director Mineral Resources

REF: TUR/CPSB/005/2024/2025: 

  • Director Mineral Resources will be responsible to the County Chief Officer in matters related to mineral resources in the County.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Develop, implement and maintain strategies to deliver profitable mining and geological consulting services within the county;
  • Work with the community groups in the county to create a global service offering;
  • Maintain high level of quality within the mining and geology groups and meet international standards;
  • Promote innovation and the use of leading-edge technology in the mining and geological studies undertaken by the local communities; .
  • Contribute to mining and geology success in securing business and maintaining profitability;
  • Develop strategies, business plans/budget and business development to establish and grow the mining and geology sub sector into a profitable and successful consulting business within a diverse capability profile, a depth of skills and professional personnel and an enduring level of client and partner/associate loyalty that fits in with the county overall strategy;
  • Active marketing of mining and geology group capabilities in order to secure a broad, diverse and well-resourced client base, and;
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.

Requirement for appointment

For appointment in this grade, a candidate must have: –

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering or Geology from a recognized institution;
  • Master’s degree in Mining Engineering or Geology from a recognized institution will be added advantage;
  • Attended Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution in Kenya;
  • Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized institution; and
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding for national goals, policies, objectives and the ability to relate them to the mineral resources function.

Ward Administrator ( Kalapata, Lokichoggio.)

Duties and responsibilities in the field office will entail;

  • Overseeing effective service delivery in the area of jurisdiction;
  • Developing programmes and projects to empower community;
  • Co-ordination and facilitating citizen’s participation in the development of policies, plans and delivery of services;
  • Facilitating government relations and conflict resolutions;
  • Overseeing safe custody of County Government assets in the area of jurisdiction;
  • Co-ordinating and liaising with other Directorates and Departments in the area of jurisdiction;
  • Ensuring compliance with National values and principles of good governance:
  • Ensuring compliance with legal, statutory and regulatory requirements;
  • Co-ordinating citizen participation in governance in the area of jurisdiction
  • Enhancing administrative capacity for effective functions and governance at the local level;
  • Identification of development projects;
  • Disseminating information and the policies;
  • Providing link between the office and the community; and
  • Perform any other duty assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Requirements for Appointment

  • Served in the grade of Chief Administration Officer/ Chief Ward Administrator for a minimum period of Three (3) Years;
  • Bachelor degree in any of the following disciplines; Public Administration, Business Administration/ Management, Community Development or any other related field from recognized institution;
  • Diploma in Advanced Public Administration or equivalent from a recognized institution,
  • Certificate in Computer application skills from a recognized institution
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of National values, policies and objectives and ability to relate them to the administration function
  •  Perform any other duty assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Village Administrator Letea Ward – Kalimapus Village Unit

REF: TUR/CPSB/007/2024/2025:

This is the entry and training grade for Diploma holders. An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and responsibilities will entail;

  • Planning of office accommodation and layout
  • Facilitating transport and travelling services
  • Maintaining and updating furniture office equipment inventory
  • Ensuring payment of utility bills
  • Facilitating movement of assets
  • Facilitating general maintenance of building and furniture
  • Facilitating logistics for meeting conference and other special events; and
  • Collecting and collating data on development activities;
  • Providing input in organizing public participation awareness at the local level; and
  • Perform any other duty assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Requirements for Appointment

  • Diploma in any of the following disciplines; Public Administration, Business Administration/ Management, Community Development or any other related field from recognized institution;
  • Be a Kenyan citizen and a resident of the respective Village by Birth;
  • Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution (On leadership and Integrity)
  • Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution.

Village Administrator Lobei/Kotaruk Ward Nadapal Village Unit (Kalemunyang)

REF: TUR/CPSB/007/2024/2025:

This is the entry and training grade for Diploma holders. An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and responsibilities will entail;

  • Planning of office accommodation and layout
  • Facilitating transport and travelling services
  • Maintaining and updating furniture office equipment inventory
  • Ensuring payment of utility bills
  • Facilitating movement of assets
  • Facilitating general maintenance of building and furniture
  • Facilitating logistics for meeting conference and other special events; and
  • Collecting and collating data on development activities;
  • Providing input in organizing public participation awareness at the local level; and
  • Perform any other duty assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Requirements for Appointment

  • Diploma in any of the following disciplines; Public Administration, Business Administration/ Management, Community Development or any other related field from recognized institution;
  • Be a Kenyan citizen and a resident of the respective Village by Birth;
  • Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution (On leadership and Integrity)
  • Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution.

Village Administrator Lapur WardKokuro Village Unit

REF: TUR/CPSB/007/2024/2025:

This is the entry and training grade for Diploma holders. An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and responsibilities will entail;

  • Planning of office accommodation and layout
  • Facilitating transport and travelling services
  • Maintaining and updating furniture office equipment inventory
  • Ensuring payment of utility bills
  • Facilitating movement of assets
  • Facilitating general maintenance of building and furniture
  • Facilitating logistics for meeting conference and other special events; and
  • Collecting and collating data on development activities;
  • Providing input in organizing public participation awareness at the local level; and
  • Perform any other duty assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Requirements for Appointment

  • Diploma in any of the following disciplines; Public Administration, Business Administration/ Management, Community Development or any other related field from recognized institution;
  • Be a Kenyan citizen and a resident of the respective Village by Birth;
  • Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution (On leadership and Integrity)
  • Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution.

Village Administrator Kakuma Ward – Lorengo Village Unit

REF: TUR/CPSB/007/2024/2025:

This is the entry and training grade for Diploma holders. An officer at this level will work under guidance and supervision of a senior officer.

Duties and responsibilities will entail;

  • Planning of office accommodation and layout
  • Facilitating transport and travelling services
  • Maintaining and updating furniture office equipment inventory
  • Ensuring payment of utility bills
  • Facilitating movement of assets
  • Facilitating general maintenance of building and furniture
  • Facilitating logistics for meeting conference and other special events; and
  • Collecting and collating data on development activities;
  • Providing input in organizing public participation awareness at the local level; and
  • Perform any other duty assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Requirements for Appointment

  • Diploma in any of the following disciplines; Public Administration, Business Administration/ Management, Community Development or any other related field from recognized institution;
  • Be a Kenyan citizen and a resident of the respective Village by Birth;
  • Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution (On leadership and Integrity)
  • Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution.

Director Land Reclamation

REF: TUR/CPSB/008/2024/2025: 

  • Director Land Reclamation will be responsible to County Chief Officer for overall administration and management of the department.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Formulating and developing policies on land reclamation and arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) development programmes;
  • Developing and implementing policy strategies and investment plans;
  • Ensuring sustainable management and utilization of land and water resources;
  • Coordinating integrated and multi-sectoral development programmes;
  • Management and utilization of land water resources;
  • Management and utilization of water, land and ASAL resources;
  • Resource mobilization and funding of projects and programmes;
  • Promoting public-private partnership and empowering communities in developing their local resources;
  • Liaising with development partners and NGOs and other stakeholders in the sector, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and better services delivery systems;
  • Participating in relevant international, regional and inter-governmental organization initiatives on land reclamation and development of ASAL areas;
  • Building capacity and human resource Development.

Requirements for Appointment For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

  • Served in the grade of deputy director of land reclamation or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service for at least three (10) years
  • A master’s degree in any of the following discipline: Geography, population studies, Economic, Chemistry, physics sociology, Forestry, Natural resources Management, Pest Management, Rural Development, wildlife management, Agriculture, Hydrology, Environmental Science, Marine science, Education and Communication, and civil/Mechanical/chemical/Agricultural/industrial water resources Engineering or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
  • A wide knowledge of negotiating skills with donor and other development agencies
  • Attended a management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution and Demonstrated through knowledge and understanding of national development goals, vision and global partnership
  • Certificate in computer application skills; and
  • Certificate of membership to a professional body recognized institutions.

Deputy Director Land Reclamation

Duties and responsibilities

  • Implement policies on land reclamation and arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) development programmes;
  • Implementing policy strategies and investment plans;
  • Ensure sustainable management and utilization of land and water reso
  • Provide Support in coordinating integrated and multi-sectoral development programmes,
  • Management and utilization of land water resources,
  • Management and utilization of water, land and ASAL resources;
  • Provide support in resource mobilization and funding of projects and programmes;
  • Ensure public-private partnership and empowering communities in developing their local resources;
  • Provide support in liaising with development partners and NGOs and other stakeholders in the sector, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and better services delivery systems;

Requirements for appointment for appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

  • Served in the grade of assistant director of land reclamation or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service for at least three (3) years
  • A master’s degree in any of the following discipline: Geography, population studies, Economic, Chemistry, physics sociology, Forestry, Natural resources Management, Pest Management, Rural Development, wildlife management, Agriculture, Hydrology, Environmental Science, Marine science, Education and Communication, and civil/Mechanical/chemical/Agricultural/industrial water resources Engineering or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
  • Attended a management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution and demonstrated through knowledge and understanding of national development goals, vision and global partnership
  • Certificate in computer application skills; and
  • Certificate of membership to a professional body recognized institutions.

Method of Application

Details of the Job Description and Job requirements are available at and

Written applications, CV’s copies of Certificates, Testimonials and Identity Card should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the left side the position being applied for and addressed to:

The Secretary,
Turkana County Public Service Board,
P.O. BOX 05, Lodwar, – 30500.


Delivered by hand at the reception desk at Turkana County Public Service Board Offices located along Nawoitorong road opposite Lodwar Club located off Kitale –Lodwar highway so as to reach the undersigned on or before Tuesday 10th September, 2024 by 5.00pm (East African Time).

Important information to all candidates;

  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
  • Any form of canvassing or lobbying will lead to automatic disqualification

N/B Youth, Women and Persons Living with disability (PWDs) are encouraged to apply.

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