Kisumu County
Massive Career Opportunities at Kisumu County,
Massive Career Opportunities at Kisumu County
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Kisumu County is located in Nyanza and constitutes 7 constituencies (Kisumu East, Kisumu West, Kisumu Central,Seme, Nyando, Muhoroni and Nyakach). Mission To transform the livelihood of the people of Kisumu county on a foundation of integrity through accountable, efficient and effective leadership that invokes participation and pursuit of quality services,…
- Contents
- Open Jobs
- Assistant Director Human Resource Management
- Personal Assistant
- Chief Records Management Officer
- Human Resource Management & Development Officer
- Chief ICT Officer
- Chief Public Communications Officer
- Public Communications Officer
- Supply Chain Management Officer
- Chief Legal Officer
- Administrative Officer
- Receptionist
- Office Assistant
- Securitv Assistant
- Method of Application
Assistant Director Human Resource Management
Duties and rcsponsibilities
The Assistant Director, HRM will be responsible to the Secretary, County Public Service Board,rn performing the following duties:
- Investigating and reporting on Human Resource Management complarnts and carrymg out ad hoc investigations on issues that rcquire urgent attention of the Board; t OrganizingandcoordinatrngHuman Resource Audit inspections andpreparationof Audit reportsl
- Monitoringimplementation of the County Public Service Board)s delegated powers and overseeing follow up of implementation of the Board’s decisions:
- Conductingrcsearch on Human Resource andDevelopment bestpractices to inform policy direction; t Preparing reports for Human Resource matters and agenda for the Boarder Supporting the development, implementationand reviewing of performance improvement strategies that are adaptive to the changingenvironment and technology;
- Liaising with the County HRM on Human Resource managementmattersthat require attention of the Boardl
- Offering guidance and supervision to the officers below him/her
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor
Requiremenb for appoinfiment
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Bachelor’s in Human Resourc e Managementr PublrclBusiness Administration,lndustrial Relations or comparable qualifrcations fuom a recognized University; I Masters Degree in any of the following fields: Human Resource Management, Human Resource Developme nt, Human Re sourc e Planning, I ndustrial Rel ation s, Labour Relations, Business Administration or any other rclevant qualifrcation from a recognized in stitution
- A thorough understanding of relevant Legislation ,best practice and emerging issues inHuman Resource Management and Development; and demonstrated merit as reflected in work performance and results;
- Cottsideruble knowledge of workforce planning, recruitment and staffing strategies,Labour Relations and local diversity initiativesl
- Excellent Report writing skills and writing of minutes;
- Demonstratedhigh degree of professional competence, administratle capabilities andinitianve in the management of Human Resource Management functionsl
- At least Seven (7) years’experience in the field of Human Resource;.
- Membership to a relevant professional body and ingood standing.
Personal Assistant
Duties and responsibilities
- Act as the first point of contact to the office holder;
- Screen phone calLsrinquiries and requests andhandle them appropriately;
- Manage office holder’s diaryschedule meetings and appointments in collaboration with administrative assistant;
- Remind the office holder of priority tasks and deadlines;
- Manage travel arran1ements and itineraries onbehalf of the office holder;
- Maintains office protocol;
- Record notes and messages onbehalf of the office holder when on duty outside the office;
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Requirements for appointment
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Bachelor’s degree from arecognized institution preferably in the field of communic ationtec h nology or business administr ation
- Ability tobe proactive andtake initiative
- Certificate in Computer Application
Chief Records Management Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- a Management of registry services;
- Planning appropriate office accommodation for registries;
- Creation and implementatton of records management policies; t Prepare and submitbudgetestimates for registries;
- Initiate appraisal and disposal of files, documents and other records in regisfries;
- Responsible for supervision, gurdance and development of staff working ander him/her; Controlling and opening of filesAnd updatrnggf file indexes Ensuring security of inforrration/files in the registry;
- Llpdatingand trtaintaining up to date file rnovement records anrl ascertainin.g the.general cleanliness of the registry;
- Any other duties as t11ay be assigned by the Supervisor
Requirements for appointrnent
- Be a Kenyan crtizen
- Bachelor’s Degree itr Information Science/ Records Management or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution;
- Served in the grade of senior records Management officer or in a relevant and comparable position in the public service for a nrininturrr period of three (3) years
- Demonstrated professional competence and adnrinistrative abilrty in handling r.ecords manaSentent work;
- Knowledge in Data privacy and Protection will be an added advantage;
- Certificate in Cor-nputer Application
Human Resource Management & Development Officer
Duties and r,esponsibilities
- Verify infotmationrclattngto recruitmentrappointments, transfers andhuman resource management tnformation systems ;
- Implementhuman resource decisions within existing rules, regulations and procedures
- Collect and collate datafor assessing trainingneeds;
- Preparing training projections and preparing agenda and minutes for human resource advisory committee;
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Requirement for appoinfinent
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following fields: Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development or Human Resourc e Planning,, from a recognized institution.
- Certificate in computer applicattons
Chief ICT Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Design and programme Specifications
- Carrying out IT andlCT equipment andnetwork analysis, design and programme specification in liaison with users;
- Coordinate system analysis, develop security for ICT systems, ensure timely implementation and effective maintenance of systems and supervise overall systems documentalton;
- Takingcharge of ICT equipmentmaintenance)prepare progress reports for the ICT equipment maintenance
- Develop reports on ICT standards;
- Evaluate and recommendonthe suitability of ICT equipment’s; I DesigningLocalArea Network ( LAN) andWide Area Network (WAN) I Keep abreast with changes in technology and advise the Board accordinglyl
- Develop aninnovative and inspired ICT team andre-evaluatingtheir skills and output to ensure delivery of results;
- Ensuring approprrate database administration, databackups and recovery proceduresl
- Ensuring effective and effrcient use of ICT resou,rces within the Board
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor
Requirement for appoinftnnt
- Be a Kenyancltizenl
- Served in the grade of senior ICT officer or in an equivalent and rcIevant position in the pubic service for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- Possess a Bachelor’s Degree in computer science/information systems or an equivalent qualification;
- Must be conversantwith information systems securityl
- Demon str ated high management c ap abllity and competence in computenzed infotmation systems.
Chief Public Communications Officer
Duties and rcsponsibilities
- Coordinate allpubLicrelations activities includingpublishing of brochures, handbooks andflyers;
- UpdatingtheBoardwebsite in liaison with the IT section; t Portray a positive pubhc rmage of the Board;
- Coordinating oatreach programmes with various stakeholders; ) Prepate press-releasesr’react to media stories and ensure proactive media reporting via the avallable channels ;
- Have initiative and drive and excellent interpersonal skills to handle various interest groups ;
- Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.
Requirement for Appoinhment
- Be a Kenyan Citizen
- Have served in the grade of Senior Public Communications Officer or in a comparable
- and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years;
- Have a clear underctandingof the working of the media and the socio-political environment in Kenya;
- Possess good oral andwfitten communication skills rnboth English and Kiswahili;
- Possess advanced computer skills; and
- Have shown merit and abllity as reflected in work performance and results
- Have minimumBachelor’s degree in Public Relations/ Media Communication
- At least three(3) years relevant experience
Public Communications Officer
Duties and rcsponsibilities
- Gathering information on programmes and significant events;
- Editing stories ontopical issues in a specific sectorial area;
- Liaising with MediaPractroners andthe public on issues of mutual concern;
- Scheduling interviews with Government officials andmanaging assigned programmes under the guidance of the Head of thelJnit; and
- Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.
Requirement for Appoinhment
- Be a Kenyan Citizen
- Have served in the grade of Public Communications Officer II or in a comparable and rclevant position in the P:ublic Service for aminimumperiodof three (3) years;
- Have a Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Mass Communication, Communication Studies, Public Relations, Journalism rlnternational Relations or ifs equlalent from a rccognized institution / University;
- Possess good orul andwritten communication skills in both English and Kiswahili;
- Be proficientinlnformation Communication Technology including use of internet and intranet services; and
- Have shown merit and ablllty as reflected in work performance and results.
Supply Chain Management Officer
- J
Duties amd rcsponsibilities
- Processit’t5; of agenda for the tender committees and assisting in rnrplcntcntation of decisions thereof; Procurement;
- Distributionmanagement; I Market surveys andresearch;
- Procurementplanning;
- Inventory and stock contr ol in accordance wrth the latd procedures;
- Anyother duties thatmay be assigned down regulatrons and from time to time.
Requirements for Appointment
- Be aKenyanCltizen;
- A Bachelors’ Degree in any of the following;- Procurement and Supplies Management or its equivalent qualific ation from a recognized in stitution ; and
- Shown merit and abllity as reflected in work performance and results.
In addition to the above requirements, an officer must have the following key personal attrlbutes and corc competences;
- Ability to get on well with the diverse workforce;
- Good knowledge in the professionalfield of specialisation;
- Good communication skills;
- Ability to take instructions;
- Good organisational and supervisory skills;
- Teamplaying skills;
- Accuracyl
- Manual dexterity;
- Execution of insfructions;
- Interpersonal and Analytical skills;
- Record Management Skills.
Chief Legal Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Undefiake research on alllegalmatters as required.
- Draft court proceedings documents.
- Prepare legal opinions
- Prepare statements of evidence by witnesses and bnefingpapers for use in case the board is taken to court.
- Assist theboardby providinginformation on legalprocesses that affects it.
- Gather evidence in cases involving County Public Service Board to establish and verify basis for legal proceedings in order to formulate legal defence or to initiate legal action
- Conductlegalrcsearch, develop conceptpapercrprepare legal briefs and opinions as well as develop effective defence strategies, arguments and testimony in preparation for legal proceedings
- Draft and review contractual documents for the board and external parties
- Assist in sealing of Documents of theBoard
- Ensure safe custody of contracts/ agreements and record keeping of documents of theboardRetrieve contracts/ agreements when required by officers within the department and from other departments.
- Prepare statusreports onallcasesandavailthe sameas mayberequiredfromtimetotime
Requirement for appointment
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Bachelor’s degree in Law (LLB) or its equivalent from a recogntzed university.
- Post gradaate diploma from Kenya School of Law.
- At least three (3) years rclevant experience
- Certificate in computer applicatio
Administrative Officer
Duties and responsibilitles
- Facthtating meetings, conferences and other special events
- Supervising general maintenance of buildings and furniture
- FaclhtatingMaintainace and rcpairs of office equipment
- Processing administrative documents
- Supervising provision of security and office services
- Supervising messengerial services within CPSB departments
- Working closely with the Office Administrator to ensure outsourced administrative services are rrtnntng smoothly;
- Ensuring office supplies and consumables tracker/inventory tracker of utilization is maintained;
- Carrying out regular facllity checks to report and document any maintenance issues that may arise in a timely manner;
- Keeping clear records of office repairs andmaintenarce
- Any other lawful duties thatmay be assigned from time to time.
Requirement for appointment
- Be a Kenyan cltizen
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Public Administration; Business Administration / Management or any other Social Science from a recognized institution
- Have knowledge in dealingwithhrtman resources
- Certificate in computer-applications
Duties and responsibilities
- Manning the CPSB mainreception desk
- Maintaining arccordof visitors
- Receiving, gluriding and directing visitors to designated offices and arcas;
- Issuing visitors’passes;
- Overseeing sitting affangements atthe reception whenever necessary
- Mar.aging ushering services dwingofficial functions;
- Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
- Be a Kenyan citizen;
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: Public Relations,Sociology, Governance, Public Administration, Political science, Business Administration or its equivalent from a rccognized institution.
- Certificateincomputer applications
Office Assistant
Duties and responsibilitles
- Maintain Office Cleanliness.
- Ensure proper disposal of waste.
- Wipe dust on office furniture andequipment.
- Ensure proper arrarrgement of items in the office.
- Ensure the safety of the office by locking all doors andwindows and storage of
- important documents and materials.
- Prepate and sewe tea for staff;
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor
Requirrements for Appointnent
- Be a KenyanCittzen;
- At least KCSE D+;
- Any additionalcefiificate from a ized institution will be an added advantage..
Securitv Assistant
Duties and nesponsibilitles
- Collecting, processing anddisseminating information;
- Handle preliminary investigations whenever necessary;
- Collecting intelligence and investigating incidentsl
- Execute pertodic security sun/eys attheBoardoffices;
- Advise theBoard on security matterc;
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Requirements for Appoinftrent
- Be a Kenyan Citizen;
- At least KCSE D+;
- Knowledge in Comput er applications;
- Have rclevant experience in security matters;
- Must possess first Aid certifrcate;
- Must be physically fit;
- Highly obsewant, detailed oriented with good listening skills;
- Having served in the di$inlined forces will be an added advantage
Method of Application
Interested and qualified persons are requested to download the application For employment form from rvrt ur.kisumu,,Document). Fill and submit together with Copies of Academics and professional certificate in PDF FORMAT as a continous document to
All applications should be clearly marked ‘Application for the position of Committee Member (specify town). Submit the apphcation in any ONE of the following ways
Hand delivered applications should be depositedinthe office of Kisumu County Public Service Board, Okore Road, Milimani Online applications should be ematled to on or before 28th February 2023 at 5.00 p.m
Posted applications should be addressed to;-
Kisumu County Public Service Board
P.O Box 7792- 40100
All applications should be received on or before 28th February 2023 at 5.00 p.m
Any form of canvassing will leadto automatrc disqualificatton.
The Kisumu County Public Service Boardis anf4ual Opportunity Employer,the minority, marginalized groups and Persons with Disabilities who meet the minimum rcqufuements are encovra3edto apply.
The Board does not charge any fee for interviews and processing of applications.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted