County Government of Kakamega
County Government of Kakamega Hiring,
County Government of Kakamega Hiring
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Kakamega County is one of the 47 counties in the Republic of Kenya. It borders Vihiga County to the south, Siaya County to the West, Bungoma County to the North and Nandi County to the East. The county covers an area of 3050.3 Km2 (Kakamega CDP, 2013). The altitude of the county is between 1,240 metres and 2,000 metres above sea level.
- Contents
- Open Jobs
- Members of the Board Of Directors – 4 Positions
- Board Members- Kakamega County Dairy Development Corporation – 3 Positions
- Board Members- Kakamega County Microfinance Corporation – 4 Positions
- Board Members- Kakamega County Investment And Development Agency – 2 Positions
- Board Members- Kakamega County Revenue Agency – 4 Positions
- Method of Application
Members of the Board Of Directors – 4 Positions
- Qualifications For Appointment As A Member Of The Board Of Directors
A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Member of the Board of Directors of Kakamega Municipality under Section 14 of the Urban Areas and Cities Act 2022, if that person-
- is a citizen of Kenya;
- ordinarily resides or has a permanent dwelling in Kakamega Municipality;
- carries on business in Kakamega Municipality; or
- has lived in Kakamega Municipality for at least five years.
- meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Functions Of The Board Of Directors
- Oversee the affairs of the municipality:
- Develop and adopt policies, plans, strategies and programmes, and may set targets for delivery of services;
- Formulate and implement an integrated development plan;
- Control land use, land sub-division, land development and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose, including industry, commerce, markets, shopping and other employment centres, residential areas, recreational areas, parks, entertainment, passenger transport, agriculture, and freight and transit stations within the framework of the spatial and master plans for the municipality as may be delegated by the County government;
- As may be delegated by the County government, promote and undertake infrastructural development and services within the municipality:
- Develop and manage schemes, including site development in collaboration with the relevant national and county agencies;
- Maintain a comprehensive database and information system of the administration and provide public access thereto upon payment of a nominal fee to be determined by the board:
- Administer and regulate its internal affairs;
- Implement applicable national and county legislation;
- Enter into such contracts, partnerships or joint ventures as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its functions under the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 or other written law;
- Monitor and, where appropriate, regulate municipal services where those services are provided by service providers other than the board of the municipality:
- Prepare and submit its annual budget estimates to the relevant County Treasury for consideration and submission to the County Assembly for approval as part of the annual County Appropriation Bill;
- As may be delegated by the County government, collect rates, taxes levies, duties, fees and surcharges on fees;
- Settle and implement tariff, rates and tax and debt collection policies as delegated by the County government;
- Monitor the impact and effectiveness of any services, policies, programmes or plans:
- Establish, implement and monitor performance management systems;
- Promote a safe and healthy environment;
- Facilitate and regulate public transport; and
- Perform such other functions as may be delegated to it by the County government or as may be provided for by any written law.
Board Members- Kakamega County Dairy Development Corporation – 3 Positions
The functions of the Kakamega County Dairy Development Corporation are to-
- Engage in the commercial rearing and breeding of dairy livestock
- Develop, promote and adopt the best practices in the dairy value chain Create a ready market for milk for dairy farmers
- Develop and maintain milk processing plant in the county
- Undertake and promote research in the “eld of dairy farming in partnership with other relevant organizations
- Promote or assist in the setting up of dairy training facilities
- Provide advisory services to actors in the dairy value chain
- Implement and manage the dairy livestock incentives initiatives through cooperating societies
- Facilitate and negotiate concessions for dairy farms put
- Facilitate acquisition of farm inputs and machinery subsidy
- Carry out such other functions as may be assigned to under the Kakamega County Dairy and Development Corporation Act. 2018 or any other low and
- Promote dairy cooperative activities within the county
Qualifications For Appointment Of Members Of The Board Of Management
A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Member of the Board of Management of the Kakamega County Dairy Development Corporation under Section 7 (2) of the Kakamega County Dary Development Corporation Act, 2018, that person
- holds a degree from a university recognized in Kenya
- has at least five (5) years’ experience in leadership management or any other recent qualifications of public or private institution and
- the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya
Board Members- Kakamega County Microfinance Corporation – 4 Positions
The functions of the Kakamega County Microfinance Corporation are to-
- provide microfinance barking services to micro and medium enterprises in Kakamega County
- undertake any business-related microfinance banking in Kakamega County and
- carry out such other role cry for the better provision of Financial services for micro and mines in Kakamega County in order to promote business and investment growth within the county and announce access to credit and financial services to micro and medium enterprises
Qualifications For Appointment Of Members Of The Board Of Directors
- A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Kakamega County Microfinance Corporation under section 7 (2) and (3) of the Kakamega County Microfinance Corporation Act, 2012, if that person
- holds a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent either in comics business law finance, accounting or any other related field from a recognized university and has experience of at least five (5) years in management
- is fit and proper to be in the Board of the corporation as prescribed by the Central Banc of Kenya
- is not a director in a bank or micro-finance on and
- the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya
Functions Of The Board Of Directors
- Ensure proper and efficient exercise of the powers and performance of the functions of the Corporation
- Uphold the vision and mission of the Corporation
- Provide strategic guidance to the Corporation and ensure effective organizational planning
- Advise the management of the Corporation generally on the exercise of the powers and the performance of the functions of the Corporation
- Approve the estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the Corporation f Ensure effective and efficient risk management
- Oversee the management performance and
- Perform such other functions as are provided for under the Kakamega County Microfinance Corporation Act, 2018 or any other
Board Members- Kakamega County Investment And Development Agency – 2 Positions
The Kakamege County Investment and Development Agency shell-
- hold property and assets on behalf of the County Government for the purposes of investment
- undertake investments on behalf of the County Government for the purposes of generating revenue
- identify strategic investment opportunities for the benefit of the county
- undertake investment ventures in partnership with other entities for the benefit of the County
- promote economic growth within the County:
- advise the County Government on investment opportunities
- assist and facilitate investors to establish investments in the county and carry out such other roles and perform such other functions as may be necessary for the for investments by the County government
Qualifications For Appointment Of Members Of The Board Of Directors
A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Kakamega County Investment and Development Agency under Section & 07) of the Kakamega County Istment and Development Agency Act, 2018, if that person
- holds a degree in economics, business, low, finance, accounting or any other related field from a recognized university has at least three (3) years’ experience in management and
- meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya
Powers Of The Board Of Directors
- Ensure proper and efficient excise of the powers and performance of the functions of the Agency:
- Approve the estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the Agency
- Subject to approval of the County Executive Committee investor divest in any venture
- Subject to the approval of the County Executive Committee, borrow money for investment ventures; and
- Perform such other functions as are provided for under any other written
Board Members- Kakamega County Revenue Agency – 4 Positions
The functions of the Kakamega County Revenue Agency are to-
- be the receiver of County Revenue within the meaning of section 157 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012;
- to be responsible for the administration and enforcement of revenue laws in the
- County ensure the assessment and collection of an accounting for all rates taxes, fees, and other charges payable by or under any lew in the County: ensure the assessment and collection of and accounting foral rates, fees and other charges payable by or under any law in the County
- collect and account for all County revenues in accordance with this Act and the Public Finance Management Act, 2012,
- except as may be provided under this Act or other written las, ensure that all monies raised or collected by or on behalf of the County are paid into the County Revere Fund
- prepare reports on revenue collected and owing in accordance with the relevant laws and procedure
- appoint a stably qualified person under the Certified Public Secretaries of Key Act, Cap. 534 to be the secretary of the Board
- No advise the County Government on all matters relating to the imposition administration and enforcement of County revenue lows, assessment and collection of rates, taxes, fees, and other charges and penalties thereof in line with Article 209 of the Constitution
- carry out such other functions as may be assigned to under the Kakamega County Reverse Adon and Management Act, 2017 or any other law; and
Qualifications For Appointment Of Members Of The Board Of Management
A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Member of the Board of Management of the Kakamega County Revenue Agency under Sections 7 (1) and (2) of the kamega County Revenue Administration and Management Act, 2017, it that person-
- holds a degree from a university recognized in university
- has at least five (5) years’ experience in leadership, management, finance or any other relevant qualifications of public or private institucion meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Keny and qualification and expertise in financial management or accounting with membership in a professional body regulating the accountancy profession in good standing will be an added advantage.
Method of Application
Terms Of Service
- Members of the Board of Management shall hold office for a period of three (5) years’ subject to the powers of the County Executive Member responsible for the County Treasury to determine by lot which two members shal vacate office after a period of two (2) years and may be eligible for re-appointment for further term of three years.
- Members shall be paid such allowances as the County Executive Committee Member responsible for livestock development shall determine in Inc with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission guidelines.
Written applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, Copies of academic and professional certificates and ID card clearly indicating the position applied for on the Envelope should be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
The selection panel
County Government of Kakamega
P. O Box 36-50100,
Or delivered by hand at the Office of County Secretary, Office of the Governor, Kakamega County Headquarters. To be received on or before 19th February, 2023. Email applications to be sent to selection panel at selectionpanel@kakamega.go.ke